Mohamed Eleraky wins the D-ITET Video Competition 2023

For the first time a Video Competition was organised at D-​ITET. The jury, consisting of several faculty members, awarded Mohamed Eleraky from our IDEAS Group with the first prize.

We are delighted to announce that Mohamed Eleraky, a valued member of our IDEAS group, has achieved a great victory in the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (D-ITET). In the department's first ever video competition, Mohamed came out on top and won the prestigious first prize of 1000 CHF. Mohamed's winning video, with its compelling storytelling, technical finesse and unique perspective, showcases his remarkable skills as a filmmaker. This triumph not only celebrates Mohamed's individual success, but also highlights the department's commitment to fostering creativity and innovation. We congratulate Mohamed and look forward to the continued brilliance he will bring to our IDEAS group and the field of electrical engineering!

The jury was very impressed by his contribution "Be the next wizard". The jurors liked the fast pace of the advertising clip and the humorous journey from past to present of electrical engineering. Moreover, the determination to inspire the next generation of engineers and to promote collaboration and discussion within the community was highly appreciated. Mohamed produced the video during his vacation back home in Egypt.

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The prize handover of the Video Competition 2023

Prof. Mathieu Luisier with 1st prize winner Mohamed Eleraky
Prof. Mathieu Luisier with 1st prize winner Mohamed Eleraky
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