PA Survey

PA Survey Version 9: Saturated Output Power vs. Frequency
Ninth Web release on 02.08.2024
Download PA Survey V9 (XLSX, 3.2 MB). This version 9 dataset includes PAs/transmitters from 500MHz to 1.5 THz in Bulk/SOI CMOS, SiGe, LDMOS, InP, GaN, GaAs technologies. The dataset contains total 5073 data points with 1751 data points for CMOS, SiGe PAs and 3066 data points for GaN, GaAs, InP, and LDMOS PAs as well data points from other technologies.
Our group has made an A-to-Z move from Atlanta to Zurich, and now we are a part of ETH Zurich D-ITET. Please reference this survey as the "ETH PA Survey."
What is new in version-9 release?
- Power Amplifier designs in RF/mm-Wave/sub-THz frequencies and sub-THz/THz power/signal generation circuits published between 05/2023 and 07/2024.
- All the process entries in the product page have been updated, including past entries.
More information:
- Cite this ETH PA survey: Hua Wang, Mohamed Eleraky, Basem Abdelaziz, Bryan Lin, Edward Liu, Yuqi Liu, Mohsen Ghorbanpoor, Chenhao Chu, Andrea Ruffino, Jinglong Xu, Filippo Svelto, Niccolò Villaggi, Abdelrahman Habib, Kyungsik Choi, Tzu-Yuan Huang, Hossein Jalili, Naga Sasikanth Mannem, Jeongsoo Park, Jeongseok Lee, David Munzer, Sensen Li, Fei Wang, Amr S. Ahmed, Christopher Snyder, Huy Thong Nguyen, and Michael Edward Duffy Smith, "Power Amplifiers Performance Survey 2000-Present," [Online]. Available:
- Acknowledgement: We would like to sincerely thank many of our friends and colleagues for their helpful suggestions and insightful discussions.
- Feedback and Suggestions: We welcome your feedback and suggestions, including the ways to interpret and present the data. In addition, although we try to be as inclusive as possible when collecting these published data, it is certainly possible that we may miss some representative PA designs. Please feel free to send us feedback, suggestions, or missing PA papers.
- Contact: Please contact us through poweramplifiers.survey at gmail dot com. Do not use any other email address, since I may very likely miss your email.
- Source for this data collection: We focus on peer-reviewed and publicly accessible publications that are typical forums for PAs, including IEEE ISSCC, JSSC, RFIC, VLSI, CICC, ESSCIRC, IMS, T-MTT, TCAS, BCTM/CSICS (BCICTS in the future), APMC, EuMC, and MWCL. We also focus on public product datasheets on PAs/transmitters.